Halloween at the Venue

[kml_flashembed movie=”http://gloda.net/pb/20071031_uk_hallo_venue/pb.swf” height=”505″ width=”720″ wmode=”transparent”/]
What a fabulous night at the UKC’s Venue. People do tend to show up there in all kinds of fashion, but Halloween allows everyone to look as unique and ridiculous as they want without being turned away by the bouncers. A costume was quickly found, I put on my camouflage poncho I bought for shooting sports when it’s raining, the camo trousers, got some brown and green face paint and I was ready to go. Well, not quite yet, I made the camera fit my outfit.
I started the night with the Photographers and Models Society and a Halloween themed shooting around Eliot college (photographs coming soon), then queued a whopping 25 minutes to get a drink in the Lighthouse and spent the rest of the night in the Venue partying and shooting. Well, the shooting bit ended at around eleven when the place was so packed I couldn’t even hold the camera in front of my face anymore!

One Response Subscribe to comments

  1. Syn

    Is this Flash gallery doobrie homebrew or publically available code?

    Gloda: Syn, the gallery is made using a customized version of Slide Show Pro, you can purchase it at http://www.slideshowpro.net .

    Nov 30, 2007 @ 19:42
