Wedding: Stéphanie & Alain

On May 16th this year my friends Stéphanie Valenti and Alain Engelmann got married in Pétange. I met Alain in the scouts when we were about 10 years old. Sté joined the scouts a bit later; that’s where they met as well.
I’m glad that I could actually make it to their wedding; it was during the exam period at uni. The wedding was on Saturday, I traveled back to England on Sunday and wrote an exam on Monday. Alison had come down to Luxembourg with me. We were their photographers for the afternoon and their guests during the evening … although when I saw an opportunity too good to be missed I got the camera out again for a couple of photographs after the dinner.
You’ll notice that I’m on some of the photos from the evening, Alison took those after setting up the lights with me.

4 Responses Subscribe to comments

  1. Stéphanie

    Super schein, villmols MERCI naemol

    Nov 13, 2009 @ 12:53

  2. Thierry

    Ech mengen ech sot et schon eng Kéier: falls ech jemols sollt bestued ginn, engagéieren ech dech als Fotograf. :)

    2:30 – Ass dat de Philippe??
    3:05 – Déi Foto ass genial!
    4:08 – Aw, wéi léif. :)
    4:28 – Wann dat déi natirlech Luucht ass, Respekt!
    4:33 – Mega!

    Nov 13, 2009 @ 15:02

  3. gloda

    @ Thierry
    2:30 as de Philippe. Dir kennt ierch?
    4:28 D’Luucht war zimmlech null, ech hun zwee Blëtzer dobäi gesat fir se auszegläichen.

    Nov 13, 2009 @ 16:29

  4. Thierry

    Kleng Welt. :) Mir waren zesummen op 7e.

    Dat wier och zevill perfekt gewiercht fir esou eng Luucht ze hunn. D’Foto ass awer trotzdem cool.

    Nov 14, 2009 @ 20:52
