Posts Tagged ‘aquarium’


Last autumn, the Luxembourgian shopping centre City Concorde contacted photo clubs across countries to ask for submissions for their Pinacotheca. Currently they are showing a selection of prints by members, including one of my photographs, Ocean View, printed at 7.5 by 5 metres. Yes, metres. If you want to see the oversized print, head to the escalators which connect the shopping centre’s multi-level parking lot to the main hall. I don’t know for how much longer the print will be there, so get there soon :)
Oh, and this would be a valid reason for always shooting RAW and at the camera’s full resolution. You never know when your picture gets printed at the size of a billboard!


After my last class from the spring term, I visited Bermuda with Alison for a week two weeks, thanks to the ashcloud. Before then, I always thought the colours in the photos she’d taken over there were pure Photoshop. Well, no, the water is actually that blue. Below are some general impressions of this and that, from the places we visited in between me researching my essays (which I handed in yesterday, yay!). I’ll post some more sets from my visit later.

I’m trying a new way to display photos on the blog here, with the WordPress NextGen gallery plugin, instead of the SlideshowPro flash plugin I have used so far. On the one hand, it’s going to save me some time getting images ready for the web, on the other hand I can now show photos that are bigger than the main column in the blog. What do you think of the new gallery style?

London Aquarium

I visited the London Aquarium and decided to film a bit rather than take photographs. I lost quite a few takes because somebody bumped into me while I was filming… The place was really packed with people.
The video is CC-BY-SA.