For those interested in how my PAD 171 from June 20th was made I’ve put together some making of information. The pinball machine is nothing other than a metal fruit holder I borrowed from our kitchen. It’s held up by a superclamp. To simulate the pinball’s perspective I used a fisheye lens. On a full frame camera this results in a circular image.
The light trails are made with a torchlight that shines into an aluminium sheet. The technique’s called painting with light. After a few tries I got the trails I wanted. In Photoshop I added masked Solid Color layers in Color Blend Mode to get the neon colours. In the end I used Liquify to fill in the corners because I didn’t want to crop away too much from the sides.
[kml_flashembed fversion=”8.0.0″ movie=”” targetclass=”flashmovie” publishmethod=”static” width=”740″ height=”547″ wmode=”transparent” base=”.” /]